
Top 3 Ways B2B Marketers are Building Pipeline and Increasing Opportunities

Blog Post

April 23, 2020

Building a sales pipeline continues to be a B2B marketers' top goal. In fact, 72% of companies with less than 50 new opportunities per month didn't achieve their revenue goals (Hubspot Research, 2019), which illustrates the importance of continuously feeding the sales pipeline with qualified prospects that will convert into opportunities. Although the concept seems clear and simple, it's easier said than done. Part of the challenge is that demand generation marketers are not only expected to attract more prospects and leads, but also to ensure that those prospects are qualified and will easily convert into customers. In order to set yourself up for success, and make the sales team happy with sales-ready leads, here are three proven best practices that will help create more opportunities and increase demo set and win rates.

1. Targeting is Everything

Any marketer that hasn't been living under a rock in the last three years already knows the importance of precision audience targeting. The trend of focusing on a more targeted audience, creating ABM target account lists, and utilizing available data to ensure that you're reaching the right prospects has become the mainstream of B2B marketing. However, surprisingly enough, many companies rely on unreliable data sources and assume they're reaching their target audience, yet are surprised when they see that 3 out of 4 leads end up getting disqualified.

No matter how strategic and well-built your campaigns are, if the audience is not built on who your ideal client is, you will continue to see grim conversion and closing rates.Make sure that whatever channel is part of your marketing strategy, you have a targeted deterministic audience with proven high demo set and opportunity rates.

2. Expand Your Resources of Leads

In order to ensure you have enough opportunities in your pipeline, there needs to be a steady stream of qualified leads in your funnel. Having reliable channels with a continuous inflow of leads and solid conversion rates is vital, but you have to stay ahead of the game and find new sources that supply qualified inbound leads in case you experience diminishing returns, unexpected channel interruptions, or sliding conversion rates that risk you not hitting your monthly quotas. This is why clients rely on Genly to deliver their monthly lead quota because they know that regardless of their internal team's performance, they will consistently hit their monthly goals and lead quotas, while maintaining high demo set rates.

3. Use Attribution to Learn What's Working and Do More of That

Attribution is key in building a sustainable pipeline because you can see what's working, what needs optimization, and what is draining your marketing budget. If you can't reliably pinpoint what campaigns and channels are resulting in opportunities, then you can't build a scalable and predictable program that leads to growth and increased revenue. Make sure each channel offers transparency into how many leads and opportunities are coming through and, in addition, make sure that your tech stack includes tracking and attribution models. Once you see which campaigns are resulting in high demo set rates and increased opportunities, you can start to move your budget to the channels that are yielding these promising results.

Building a reliable sales pipeline continues to be the lifeline of any business. Genly's demand generation platform lets clients create more opportunities by launching branded digital ad campaigns and guaranteeing sales-ready inbound leads for their sales team. In fact, companies that use Genly experience a demo set rate of more than 10% which is why they rely on Genly as a trusted partner in their demand gen program.

To see if Genly can help build your pipeline with more opportunities, you can schedule a demo to get information about your target audience and a live product tour.